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Sherman Transou

Positive Image Coach

Life Coach


t: (336) 782.3020


[branding sample]

Thanks for believing in me. You have helped me figure it out ... what I am supposed to do as a Life Coach - It's about people, not me.  I am excited.  You have encouraged me to teach people how to overcome adversities - the challenges and the breakthrough they can get.


Having a person to recognize the goodness and the greatness in you, also being honest ... was most important. Carol is a supporter and a guidance in my endeavors through my new found journey.


On the first year anniversary of my heart transplant, and my speaking opportunity at Venture Cafe ... Carol made it happen ... one week of getting all the materials together, and also coaching me on presentation points ... Thank you for everything and your support.

- Sherman 

Karen Williams, D.Min.

Religious Education Consultant


t: (615) 498-4809


[branding samples ]

Carol has become my new dear friend since she has moved to North Carolina. She is a great person in many aspects. She invited me to her art expo at Blissful Studio and Gallery in, and I think this art show is an excellent presentation of creativity.


Carol's piece is a timely work that speaks directly to what is happening right now. Seeing the image of a table and inclusion touched me on many levels. Everyone is important and has a vital voice. Listen... listen to the voices of others.


My sister, Ann, also expressed how she felt. She said,  "Congratulations Carol. This creative artwork is phenomenal. "


You will certainly have bright

future as an artist!

John Berg

Owner, Curator

Blissful Studio & Gallery


 t: (336) 655-6257


branding sample




Original Letter

Carol Smith has been

engaged by our company,

Blissful Studios & Gallery to

assist us in the promotion of

events, the creation of

marketing materials and for

consultation on our overall

marketing efforts.


I have found Carol to be

full of energy, highly creative,

experienced in marketing and professional in her approach. I can recommend Carol for any of these activities based upon our experiences with her.

- John

Elise Donovan


BVI House Asia

Hong Kong



Portfolio sample

In many respects, Carol has become my right-hand person and a truly indispensable member of my team. A unique set of challenges were posed in transitioning the organization under new leadership, restructuring and getting the team to adjust to new initiatives, practices, and procedures. Carol has been a constant beacon of good attitude and professionalism, not only in recognizing the benefits of organisational change but also in encouraging her colleagues to cooperate and get on board.



I have been consistently impressed by her work ethic and general performance on the job. She is very organised and readily takes initiative to ensure that the organisation presents a stellar image both domestically and internationally. Carol is a tremendous asset to the BVI IFC and the organization’s image is largely reliant on the excellent standards she maintains in her work.



She is charged with the sole responsibility for producing the bulk of the BVI IFC’s advertisements, booklets, newsletters and other materials used to promote the BVI financial services industry in international publications, at conferences and other events around the world.



Due to the global nature of the organisation’s work, we are called to be in communication with professionals in varying time zones, especially when we are on promotional tours. Carol willingly accommodates these different time zones by being at our clients’ disposal as required, even if that entails remaining in the office until 3:00 in the morning.


The dedication, drive and determination that Carol demonstrates in her daily work will certainly transcend in her performance as a graduate student at the University of Liverpool.



Further, her creativity, critical thinking, and analytical skills, as well as her aptitude for learning, will augur well for this path she now endeavours to take. Carol Smith has distinguished herself at the BVI IFC as someone who strives for excellence in the delivery of outcomes in achieving the organizational goals and I, therefore, recommend her unequivocally.

My latest projects

My Latest Projects



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Basic Specs

Size: 8.5 x 2.75

Color: 4/4 Full all pages

Finish: Bleed - Glue bind left side 



This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

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